Level up your log in React-Native with Reactotron

A Log - Many Logs Log is the essential part of programming. If you ever worked with mobile programming or react-native, you will find that log is a the essential for monitor your app. In this post, I just want to a share a little bit trick to log in react-native app :) Console.log is bad!!! React-Native come with the default console.log to be able to see the log messages. You have to turn on Debug JS Remotely and open Inspector in chrome to view the message. This is bad because Debug mode is very slow. If you write a long message, it can crash your app The app continues warning about keeping chrome on foreground Reactotron come to rescue!!! https://github.com/infinitered/reactotron Yes!!! with reactotron, you DON’T NEED to turn-on Debug JS to be able to see log, and the log is also FASTER btw. The example below show how to configure Reactotron with redux for simulator and real device import Reactotron from 'reactotron-react-native'; import { reactotronRedux }...