How to handle iOS Push Notification
Handle iOS Push Notification Handle push notification on iOS is quite hard if you don't understand it. In short topic, I on;y want to present how I handle when user tap on push notification when app is in active/background or killed. First, these are few important notes that you need to keep in mind: - APNS have sandbox & prod certificates, don't forget when you run the app in debug mode, you have to use sandbox. - The registration token cannot be shared, sandbox token cannot be use for prod and vice versa. Others tut: - Apple Documents - APNS with HTTP2 Generate Push Certificate: cert_file="mobisys_prod_apns.cer" key_file="mobisys_prod_apns.p12" openssl x509 -in $cert_file -inform der -out pem_cert.pem openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in $key_file -out pem_key.pem cat pem_cert.pem pem_key.pem > PushCert.pem Common Mistakes - using wrong certificate (APNS will return error) / wrong passphrase (in script will retunr error) - using in...