
Showing posts from June, 2016

How to handle iOS Push Notification

Handle iOS Push Notification Handle push notification on iOS is quite hard if you don't understand it. In short topic, I on;y want to present how I handle when user tap on push notification when app is in active/background or killed. First, these are few important notes that you need to keep in mind: - APNS have sandbox & prod certificates, don't forget when you run the app in debug mode, you have to use sandbox. - The registration token cannot be shared, sandbox token cannot be use for prod and vice versa. Others tut: - Apple Documents -  APNS with HTTP2 Generate Push Certificate: cert_file="mobisys_prod_apns.cer" key_file="mobisys_prod_apns.p12" openssl x509 -in $cert_file -inform der -out pem_cert.pem openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in $key_file -out pem_key.pem cat pem_cert.pem pem_key.pem > PushCert.pem Common Mistakes - using wrong certificate (APNS will return error) / wrong passphrase (in script will retunr error) - using in...